
New burning by-law

The Brome-Missisquoi M.R.C. has issued a basic guideline concerning burning, which municipalities must respect and adapt to their region.

In the spring, many citizens clear branches, leaves, and other debris ; they bum them without regard for others, and they do so illegally. Last year, on several occasions, firemen extinguished fires that had been forgotten, and fires that were dangerous and uncontrolled. No permits had been issued in any of these cases, resulting in significant costs.

Since our Municipality has adopted this new By-Law, it is strictly forbidden to burn any article whatsoever without prior consent of the Fire Chief. He alone will judge if conditions are favourable : dryness, wind, burning site, proximity to buildings, etc. A « zero tolerance » policy will be enforced. ln addition, any disregard of this By-Law that causes an intervention of the Fire Department may be subject to a fine.

You may obtain a copy of the burning-related By-Law at the Municipal Office or ask the Fire Chief for a copy when he conducts the fire prevention visit of your home.

For a free burning permit, call the following numbers : 450-248-3647 (day) 450-248-4281 (evening) Emergency numbers for the Fire Department, call 911 or 450-248-2112

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