- Message from the Chairman -


François Charbonneau

In these fast-paced times of lightning changes, especially with ever-evolving technology, information and the way it’s packaged and presented to the public has also changed. This has also affected the way we use, understand and share that information. Given the sheer volume of material that we are required to process every day, I am forever wondering : ‘Did I miss something ? Who said that ? Is this information reliable ?’

I came upon something recently that said that a great number of Americans only read the headlines and captions of newspapers and magazine articles, especially those having to do with their president’s behaviour. It’s safe to assume that this is likely the case here as well.

We read the daily papers online or in traditional hard copy, we tune into the news, watch public interest programs and peruse professional periodicals AND our local community paper, of course.

What are we to do with all this information that we sift through, form an opinion on and, more importantly, share ? Because if opinions aren’t shared and tested and debated upon, then they simply lie fallow and perish or worse, are misinformed and imprudent.

The trick is to exchange and discuss ideas whether it be at the kitchen table, with friends or in a more formal setting. We need to think and review and debate so that ideas and opinions don’t get relegated to the darkest recesses of the broom closet. In other words, they shouldn’t be left to sleep.

My maxim and hope for 2020 is NESSUN DORMA ! * ‘None shall sleep’.

Thank you for reading our paper and sharing your thoughts, as the case may be. All opinions, signed and respectfully submitted, shall be published.

*Well-known aria from Puccini’s Turandot.

Listen to Pavarotti sing Nessun dorma  



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