
Christmas at the Legion

Royal Canadian Legion, Branch  82, Philipsburg

Children were very happy to meet Santa Claus !  (Photo ; Lisa Plouffe)

The Year 2008 has arrived and with it new opportunities and challenges for our branch. The Legion would like to take this moment to extend its best wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year to all.

The Golf Tournament made a profit of $854. Thank you to all participants.

The District and Legions across Canada are working together to raise money for the construction of the Legion House. This building is to provide a residence for the visiting families of ill veterans. This is a three-year project.

In an attempt to promote the Legion, an Open House will be organized on Saturday February 16, from 1 p.m. to closing. The goal is to revitalize the Branch.

Scheduled Activities


15 – General Meeting, 8 p.m.
16 – Open House, from 1 p.m. to closing
29 – Cribbage, 8 p.m. (admission, $10)


07 – Executive meeting, 7:30 p.m.
21 – General meeting, 8p.m.
28 – Cribbage, 8 p.m. (admission, $10)

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