
Bi-centennial celebration of the Anglican Church in Frelighsburg

Le Chœur des Armand autour du chef, Yves Nadon  (Photo : Françoise Lemoyne)

This year, the Bishop Stewart Memorial Church of the Holy Trinity in Frelighsburg, celebrates the bi-centennial of the founding of its parish. Everyone was invited to attend an ecumenical service at the Anglican Church located at 5, Garagona Road on June 3, followed by a free buffet lunch. The unveiling of thematic panels, a performance by the Chœur des Armand and Evensong followed.

Look for the schedule of events and concerts to be held during the summer holiday period ; they will be posted in local businesses and public buildings. Information : 450-248-1145 ; 450-298-1140 or 5479

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