
The Royal Canadian Legion

Letter to the people of Saint-Armand

January 19, 2009

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please allow me to introduce myself and explain briefly why I am writing to you. I am the Secretary of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 82 and as such I would like to tell you a little bit about our Legion.

My name is Janet Clough and I moved to Philipsburg in 1960 with my parents and brother. Both my Father and Mother were long time members of this Legion. I have not always lived in this area but the Legion has always stood as a reminder of all the men and women who gave their lives and sacrificed so much that we could live and prosper in a free Country. This is why I write to you, to extend an open invitation to come and spend some time with us at one of our functions, whether you are a member of the Legion or not.

Our President, June Bird, has lived in this community for many years and is a devoted and dedicated member of the Legion. We are a new Committee, looking forward to the year ahead, and we would like to thank you for taking the time to read this letter and we hope to see you soon.

The Legion is not just for a few, but for everyone. For more information please contact one of the numbers below. Sincerely yours,

Janet Clough
For The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 82, Philipsburg
450-293-1659 or 450-248-2406

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