- Des nouvelles du Canton de Bedford -

Reminder for the Centennial

Pierrette Messier

The planning of the activities of the Township’s centennial is well under way.  On this subject, preparation of the album “The Township’s 100 Years” is going well and the committee wishes to remind citizens that it is still looking for pictures, relevant documents, important events and anecdotes which are a part of the collective history of this municipality since 1919.  Your participation is important !

Moreover, we remind the Township’s citizens to please let us know their choice of slogan for the municipality among the following :

  1. The Canton, my place in nature !
  2. Harmony in nature, my Canton !
  3. Life’s good in the Canton !

Finally, if you would like to be involved in this gratifying organization as a volunteer in order to help make the festivities a success or for all information, please contact us without delay by mail, email ( or by phone at 450-248-7576.

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