
Update of Expo’67 celebrations

Rosemary Sullivan

The new date for the opening of the Expo’67  Exhibit….JUNE 16….. at the Centre d’histoire de Montreal, 335 d’Youville, Old Montreal H2Y 3T1,  open Wednesdays through Sundays. (Metro Place d’Armes/Saint Urban exit Square Victoria).  You can’t miss it…..the OLD FIRE STATION.  There will be photos and paraphenalia (I know they will have my bright yellow flowery « cape » hanging somewhere….my strategy for not losing any of the RADIO TV FILM folks I was wheeling around the site in a golf cart.  Put is on your calendar…..and let me know if you have room in your car…..I look forward to visiting as often as I can…..and I have « guide experience ».

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