What a beautiful jewel ! (Photo : Jean-Pierre Fourez)
My Grand Father Wilfrid Rivers(Larivière) was a hard-working, honest and generous person. He did not have a specific profession. He had many different jobs in his lifetime. One job was to pick up the mail that came in on the train in St. Armand in a horse and buggy. My Mom sometimes accompanied him on his runs. He also planted vegetable and flowers gardens for a few people in the village.
In l917, a big fire broke out in the barn at Mr. George Montgomery’s farm and my Grandfather rushed over and began putting out the fire with pails of water (we did not have any firemen then). And then a few other men joined him to help out. He was determined to save the animals, which he did and he risked his life for them. In appreciation of this wonderful act of bravery, Mr. Montgomery gave him a beautiful gold locket with a diamond that my Grandmother wore for years. There is an inscription which read as follows :
Wilfrid Rivers
In token of good work done
Sept. l5th, l9l7
G.H. Montgomery Sr.
This locket will remain in the family for generations to come. We are very proud of my Grandfather and of the generous gesture of appreciation from Mr. Montgomery.
Mr. Montgomery was Sandy Montgomery’s Grandfather.
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