
Thank you !

Gilles Gélineau

Sophie, Ghislaine, Gilles et Diane  (Photo : Archives Famille Gélineau)

What an adventure in Bedford ! We were given an opportunity to meet a lot of people in Bedford and the surrounding area.

On behalf of Diane, Sophie, Ghislaine and myself, a big THANK YOU ! to all of your for your encouragement and support. Despite a few mistakes along the way, we’ve always given our very best !

THANK YOU to the electricians, plumbers and machinists who have all helped us build this local service industry,

THANK YOU. We wish to thank everyone who has worked with us. A special THANKS to Rose, Lise, Armand, Mario, Robert, and Théo. Not only have we worked all these years in Bedford, but the Knights of Columbus, the Curling Club, and the Optimist Club have all left their mark on us.

And I am not forgetting my morning team : ‘Ti-Père, who gave me the nickname Mr. Clean (what a great name for a dry cleaner !). And in response to the most frequently asked question : Has it been sold ? Yes, Denis, I have sold the business. Times have changed, and so has this business. It is time to pass the torch to… Alain Lacoste and France Miclette.

The dry-cleaning service counter and alterations will remain in place and continue in Bedford while the dry cleaning will be done in Granby at Les Nettoyeurs Daoust & Forget, on Robinson Street Finally, THANK YOU to Ghislaine, Diane and Sophie who have been at my side for these 37 years !

What a Wonderful Adventure !

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