Can we really change the world ? A world of climate emergency, poverty-related diseases and ongoing crises in Africa, Yemen, Syria and Haiti ? The list goes on. The plight of refugees worldwide remains largely ignored while human misery continues to spread regardless of geopolitical borders. Wealthier and industrialized nations seem helpless in the face of social injustice : violence against women, hate crimes, teenage suicide in indigenous communities, elder abuse… Can we really make this world a better place ?
We hear heartwarming stories of celebrities and lesser known individuals who HAVE made a difference. But what can you and we actually do ? Well, for starters, we can get involved. It can be as simple as helping a neighbour or helping your neighbourhood, your parish or your town. There are many ways to volunteer : homework tutoring, visiting the elderly, working for charities or civil society organizations. Some people donate their time, their money, give blood, give to food banks or simply sign their organ donor card.
Social engagement is essential. « If you are worried or anxious about the state or our society and the environment, action is an effective solution ». (Maud Ménard-Dunn, Comité Action Environnement de Dunham).
If one out of two people took action, the impact would be massive. If one out of five people did, the effect would still be extensive. One out of ten would still be better than doing nothing at all. If we could simply ask ourselves, ‘’What was my contribution this week or this month ?’’ We may not have changed the world, but perhaps we will have begun to make it a better place.
English adaptation by Sabine Davies, Lake Selby, Dunham.